Reevesby Island

Discover the remote Reevesby Island that lies amongst one of South Australia’s largest archipelagos. Originally farm land, the island became a conservation park in 1974, housing the native greater stick-nest rat Leporillus conditor. Foreshadowed in the name, these fascinating creatures build intricate nests by weaving small sticks together and earned the title ‘rabbit-rat’ from early European colonists due to their large ears and fluffy coat.

Sit back and take in the stunning natural beauty of the area featuring clear blue waters lining golden sand beaches.

Learn About Our Voyages Visiting Reevesby Island

“Even before we left the ship it was clear the Coral Adventurer’s visit was big news in town. All up, it was a fascinating insight into street art and the power of a simple, well-executed idea to capture the imagination… Both our groups were given many friendly hellos by the locals…”

“After lunch our focus turned back offshore to one of South Australia’s largest, yet least visited archipelagos… After crossing the island, we tracked along the eastern beach… Many once again took to the clear, shimmering water for a reviving swim.”

– Guest Lecturers Quentin Chester and Dale Arnott, 18 Feb 2021

Read full trip log here