The Kimberley Coast: Told in Panoramic Artworks

By Geoff Pinney

Geoff Pinney was born in Melbourne, Victoria and has always had an interest in photography, design, graphics and music. 15 years producing Australian and overseas postage stamps by hand and computer has honed his skills to be able to produce fine quality panoramic artworks. Photographing everything from people, landscapes, music festivals, sports events and travelling throughout Australia to capture the culture and beauty of this remarkable continent.

Geoff joined us as a guest onboard for a 10 night Kimberley expedition in July 2019. Below is the diary of his voyage told through panoramic photography.

Day 2 – Koolama Bay & King George River


Day 3 – Jar Island & Anjo Peninsula, and Vansittart Bay

The Kimberley Jar Island Anjoy Peninsula Vansittart Bay Geoff Pinney (1)  

Day 4 – Winyalkan

The Kimberley Day 4 Winyalkan Geoff Pinney 1

Day 5 – Bigge Island and Prince Frederick Harbour (Thors Hammer)

The Kimberley Day 5 Bigge Island and Prince Frederick Harbour Geoff Pinney 2 

Day 6 – Prince Frederick Harbour

Day 7 – Careening Bay & Prince Regent River

Day 8 – Raft Point & Montgomery Reef

Day 9 – Talbot Bay & Horizontal Waterfalls

Day 10 – Iron Islands & Yampi Sound

View more of Geoff’s work here: